- Children’s Rights
- Gender Equality
- Inclusion
- Participation and protagonism
- Care and Respect for Nature
- Creating a Culture of Peace

The teachers and staff used the same theme with the parents that they had just used with the kids last week. All the activities and content was focused on understanding emotions. Parents and guardians began the workshop in a classroom and participated in an assembly, they sang songs and read a story called “The Color Monster.” The characters in the story explain emotions using colors and they encourage readers to discuss their feelings even when they feel confused.
Parents then did arts and crafts to further make connections with the story. They created a small puppet of the monster from the story and a game where the emotions were represented. Also, moms and dads played activities and games in the play areas, they learned how to identify emotions and they performed a puppet show. They really became kids again! Fatima, our psychologist, presented a new technique, a peace corner, help foster more conflict management within the classroom and to encourage children’s social-emotional development. The peace corner is a place where children can use different sensory items such as a mirror, sensory balls, water clock, coloring books and other items that invite a sense of calm. A peace corner has been created in each classroom so that children can take refuge when they feel stressed, sad, or angry. Once they feel calmer, the teacher will then discuss their behavior and help the kids try to understand their emotions.

Also, during another activity, they talked with families about the literacy process with the six-year-old kids and about parents’ roles as educators. They learned about the importance of stimulating reading and writing at home so that they are helping their children’s learning processes. The time dedicated to helping children learn also helps build emotional bonds between children and their parents.
The parents also learned how to see from their children’s perspective through play, coloring, doing crafts, singing, listening and reading stories! In this way, parents were able to know and experience what their children do every day at the Center.