Meet Blanca Lisseth

They make the ice cream using artisanal tools. The process is very laborious but the end product is very delicous! The flavors they use often come from local tropical fruit such as mango and passion fruit. To sell the ice cream, they put it in a cooler on a cart and push the cart through neighborhoods, selling on the street. Their final desintation is a large mall. Along the sidewalk of the mall, they rent space to sell to patrons. You’d notice Blanca Lisseth’s chart more than the others because it is the only one decorated with the name of their businesses; thus differentiating the business from others. 

Blanca Lisseth commented that her participation has helped her to improve the administration of her finances. And as a result, she says,  “we have a savings from each daily sale to make monthly payments on time.” We are happy for Blanca Lisseth to have made such important changes for her businesses and ultimately for her whole family. 

Additionally, Blanca Lisseth is a founding member of a savings and lending project that Programa Velasco helped launch this month. She and past participants in the WEP formed the group so that they could continue to develop their business skills, save funds in a formal setting, and have access to low interest loans to invest in their businesses. 

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