Meet Bonnie Berg!

One of Bonnie´s goals for her visit was to spend time with her sponsored child Danae and her family – her grandmother Nohemy, and Danae´s sister, Ashlee, who Bonnie sponsored a 

few years ago when she was in preschool. After many years of facilitating email updates and letters, it was very exciting and meaningful for us to introduce them to one another! 

During Bonnie´s visit she also shared her knowledge about energy work, self care, and post-traumatic healing. Bonnie is a Certified Holistic Registered Nurse and Advanced Body Talk Practitioner. She facilitated different group activities and workshops with our women entrepreneurs, educators, staff and children. Bonnie taught techniques on how manage stress, how to restore our energy, and how to deal with various difficulties in our lives. Bonnie also offered individual sessions which participants highly regarded and appreciated.

She also facilitated activities with children at the Center where she taught them techniques to express their emotions and restore their energy. The kids loved participating in Bonnie´s activities .

We are extremely grateful to Bonnie for her willingness to visit us and share her knowledge and skills about self care and energy work. She has created many positive ripple effects now and in the future. We are very excited about everything we learned with her during the week and we look forward to incorporating it into our programming efforts. Bonnie also recorded a video of her demonstrating her energy practices. Once it is ready, we will share a link to that video here.

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