Meet Isaura!

Given the birth of her little boy, Isaura sells primarily during the weekends either at a market in a San Salvador suburb or from a stand along a street that is closed and turned into a bike path for families to ride their bikes or run or walk on Sundays. At the bike path, there is more of a demand for athletic apparel so she has expanded her inventory to include such clothing.

Isaura packs a bag with her inventory before she heads out to sell at a market.

As a mother caring for and nursing an infant, it has been difficult for Isaura to sell regularly, especially during the week days at the markets. She doesn’t have anyone to leave her baby with and the markets are not a place for an infant. As a result, she has felt a little frustrated and limited, but is looking forward to next year when she can hopefully enroll her baby into the Child Development Center and dedicate more time to her business.

We appreciate and celebrate Isaura’s dedication to being a strong mother and resourceful entrepreneur. Her hard work will pay off in all respects.

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