Celina turned her passion into a business!
Geoffrey Hennies shared his experience visiting El Salvador and Programa Velasco.

PV board in El Salvador: Elizabeth’s reflection
Elizabeth Sanchez has served as a PV board member since September, 2018. This was Elizabeth’s first time visiting El Salvador. “Visiting El Salvador was a

Geoffrey’s reflection about his visit to El Salvador
Geoffrey Hennies shared his experience visiting El Salvador and Programa Velasco.

PV board in El Salvador: Jenn’s reflection
Jennifer Dunneback shared her experience visiting El Salvador and Programa Velasco for the first time.

Children protecting the planet!
In light of Earth Day we want to recognize the efforts of the children (and their parents) at the Child Development Center to establish a connection with the planet and care for the environment. Programa Velasco is proud to support families at the ANADES Child Development Center by providing access to educational field trips that reinforce what the children are learning inside the classrooms.

10 Things You Need to Know Before Travelling to El Salvador
“I wish I had known this before” said Araceli, a Programa Velasco intern, before making a list of things that she didn’t know before coming to El Salvador for the first time. Araceli thought that a good way to celebrate National Volunteer Month was to share what she had learned during her time as a volunteer this past summer. It’s also a way to encourage someone who wants to be a volunteer or an intern in El Salvador and prepare them for their stay in the country.

A fresh start to the Women’s Empowerment Project!
The WEP Team (left to right): Pamela Ramírez, Fernando Mendoza, Flor Castro, and César Gómez
The Women’s Empowerment Project celebrates five years with a fresh start!

World Social Justice Day
The United Nations (UN) declares that February 20 is the “World Day of Social Justice”. The UN advocates that “The celebration of the World Day of Social Justice seeks to support the work of the international community aimed at eradicating poverty and promoting employment, fundamental principles and rights at work, gender equality, access to social welfare, and social justice for all. “

Clan de las Virtudes: Women Empowering Women
A group of Salvadoran women gifted with different talents, knowledge and skills, are willing to share them with graduated entrepreneurs of our Women’s Empowerment Project (WEP). These women are opening a path in their businesses and are taking every opportunity to acquire more knowledge and skills which they can implement to then improve their businesses.

Meet Steffany!
Steffany is the newest addition to our Programa Velasco team! She is studying Social Communications at the Universidad Centroamericana “José Simeón Cañas”. Upon first meeting Steffany, she expressed her enthusiasm to start applying the knowledge she gained from her studies into a work setting like Programa Velasco. From that initial meeting, we knew that Steffany would bring her passion and knowledge into the role of Communications intern at Programa Velasco.

Meet Fernando!
Fernando is the newest member of our team, and he will work hand in hand with Diego, our Strategy Coordinator, as a Program Monitoring and Evaluation Intern. Fernando is currently completing his third year in Marketing at the Central American University “José Simeón Cañas” (UCA). Fer is a cheerful, friendly, reliable, and empathetic person – all of which will serve him well when working with the women and children of our programs!

The tables have turned!
We are in the final stretch of the year. The entrepreneurs have spent a lot of time learning more tools and skills to grow their businesses so they can achieve more economic stability for their businesses and families. The Women’s Empowerment Project it is not just about PV facilitating workshops and finishing there, it is just as important to measure if the entrepreneurs have grasped and understood the most important issues. And if not, we give feedback to help reinforce certain subjects or skills.

Meet Rogelia!
Rogelia is one of the entrepreneurs in the Women’s Empowerment Project (WEP). Believe it or not, she and the other participants will be graduating this year! Before time gets away from us, we’d like to tell you more about her so you can appreciate her and her efforts just like all of us on the Programa Velasco team.

Meet Diego!
Diego is Programa Velasco’s newest member on our team – he is our new Strategy Coordinator. And, believe it or not, he is very good with “strategic” kinds of stuff! ;) (This is a little phrase that he likes to use as a joke).

Lilian’s obstacles became an opportunity for growth
You can read more about Lilian here.

Happy Thanksgiving!
In the spirit of the holiday, Programa Velasco’s women entrepreneurs, children, families, and staff made a video to share the many reasons why we are grateful for you!

Happy Valentine’s Day!
On this day full of love and appreciation for you, our friends, our volunteers from the University of Central America created a video to share

Teachers Day!
Teaching: not a science but a vocation Gabriela Mistral said, if you can’t love, don’t teach. An example of a teacher who demonstrated this love is Palestinian Hanan Al Hroub. She was selected out of 8,000 candidates to receive the 2016 Global Teacher Prize. Hroub’s mission as an educator of children living in the midst of endemic violence is, day in and day out, to build an environment of peace, harmony, and security within those tiny walls of her classroom by means of the methodology of learning through play.
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- 5 Things Teresa Discovered About Herself and Her Business March 7, 2023