The powerful work of transformation

My time in the Catholic Worker movement, living in community with people in need of various forms of healing, has convinced me that the world can indeed be changed by small-scale actions that touch the hearts and lives of individual people. This powerful work of transformation is at the heart of the mission of Programa Velasco: when a four-year-old who has experienced violence is given access to education and counseling in a nurturing environment or a single mom is offered a support community in which she can recognize and believe in her own power.

The people of the San Ramon neighborhood are powerful, but resources are few and needs are great. Programa Velasco unites partners in the US with Salvadoran NGOs and individuals. Together we can break the cycle of poverty and violence and create a brighter future for all.


We are deeply grateful for Chantal’s generous support, active engagement, and important guidance! 

*If you’re interested in joining our board, please email Annie Boyd for more info.

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